Please join us for a memorable day at the ballpark on September 7th. Come enjoy a game at Patriots Stadium, benefiting both Blue Star Families US Military and T.A.P.S. – Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, Gold Star Families.

A Memorable Day At the Ballpark
Somerset Patriots Baseball Club
TD Bank Ballpark
1 Patriots Park
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Event Schedule

Gates Open

VIP Barbeque

Game time
Sponsorship Opportunities
General & Admiral Sponsor- $15,000
- 20 VIP Barbeque with Special Seating
- 25 Open Seating Tickets
- Name on Event Signage
- Full Digital Ad Displayed on Stadium Screen
- Name on Foundation Website
Colonel Sponsor- $10,000
- 10 VIP Barbeque Tickets with Special Seating
- 20 Open Seating Tickets
- Full Digital Ad Displayed on Stadium Screen
- Name on Foundation Website
Major Sponsor- $5,000
- 5 VIP Barbeque Tickets with Special Seating
- 15 Open Seating Tickets
- Name and/or Logo Displayed in Digital Ad on Stadium Screen
Cadet Sponsor- $500
- 10 Open Seating Tickets
- Name Displayed in Digital Ad on Stadium Screen
All tickets will be mailed to the address supplied on the form below.